Dawn Wells is a natural-birth-loving mother of six. She and Dan Wells have been happily married for over 21 years. Dawn is the business assistant for both Dan Wells and Writing Excuses LLC. She’s also the Financial Director of this year’s WXR at SiWC. We sat down with Dawn and asked her a few questions about books, life, and being a part of the Writing Excuses community. 

What is the first book you remember having a profound impact on you?

When I was in 7th grade, I read Singularity by William Sleator. It is a story of traveling to another universe, and I think that’s when I really fell in love with science fiction. I loved the adventure and the idea that there is more to this world than we currently understand. So then I read two other books by the same author: House of Stairs and The Boy Who Reversed Himself. I loved how these books made me think about who we are as people and why we do the things we do.

What’s the most helpful piece of advice you have for a friend, family member, or loved one to help in the care and support of their writer?

Believe the dreams, and do the work to make them happen. Support each other in your dreams. There are a lot of boring times and disappointments along the way, but you can still be happy on the journey.

What’s your favorite way to recharge, relax, and recuperate?

I love to garden. Making my yard beautiful is hard work, but I can see the amazing results. I love moving plants, digging out big weeds, and planting new things. Working hard and getting dirty gives me a sense of strength, balance, and satisfaction.

What do you love most about being a part of the Writing Excuses Retreat?

I love getting to know all of the amazing people. I love being part of a group of creators who are helping people with their writing and teaching.

More about Dawn:

She has a BA in English Teaching and a minor in music from Brigham Young University. She taught special education for two years and creative writing for one year before choosing to stay home with her children full time. She is also currently homeschooling her three youngest children. She loves spending time in her garden, singing, playing the piano, and helping her children succeed.

1 Comment

Charlotte Poetschner · October 16, 2020 at 3:14 pm

The garden is my break room from writing. And I like the odd overlaps such as discovering the term “editing” for when you shovel prune certain plants out of your garden. Thank you for letting us get a peak into your life.

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